Pink Fire Pointer 台湾。小琉球+垦丁 - Escape to Little LiuQiu + Ken Ting

台湾。小琉球+垦丁 - Escape to Little LiuQiu + Ken Ting

31/7 - 2/8/2013

Lab Workers Trip
Escape to Little Liu Qiu and Ken Ding~~~ 
实验室 逃离 到 小琉球 + 垦丁

I am very happy because I have the chance to follow a bunch of crazy friends to visit awesome places in Taiwan. Even though it costs me a lot, I have never regretted to follow them! This is one of my best memories in Taiwan! 台湾超难忘的旅程,也是我最最最享受的一次!

行程简单 - 高雄吃午餐 - 小琉球 - 垦丁
Simple Journey - Kao Hsiung for Lunch - Little Liu Qiu - Ken Ding 

小琉球 - Little Liu Qiu Island

Little Liu Qiu is an Island near Kao Hsiung. If I didn't follow them, I think I won't go there because I do not know about it. hehe. We have a lot of laughter and great memory together there. 小小琉球岛,意想不到我会留下脚印在那儿,这里是大家变熟的地方。开始慢慢high起来。哈哈。

We did a lot of things on this peaceful and relaxing island. 在岛上,还做了不少事。

Snorkeling 浮浅~~~ 
For the first time I wear a Full Length Snorkeling Costume. XD Never Had it in Malaysia. Say "No" to sunburn with this cloth. haha. Wasted my Sun Block "Aiya" ;p

蓝天,白云,冷水,绿山形成 美丽的画。

We saw Turtle and some fishes. Nothing very special for me ;p Snorkeling too much dy. haha. 看到海龟是最大的收获,还两只叻。哈哈

对了,忘了介绍,我们的基地 - 
首瓦设计民宿 Show Watt HomeStay
设计很不错,舒服的床,舒服的环境。我很喜欢它的客厅,就是厕所让人害羞,没门的,往房间的墙还是玻璃做的。害羞~~~> ,<
Nice Nice Homestay. Comfortable and Relaxing. Just the Transparent wall in the Toilet is Making us Shy Shy. haha

民以食为天,吃饭去咯。一个人 NTD 300 的“烤烤餐”。肉,花枝,菇类,鸡翅膀,生蚝,“Lala" ,面包还有生啤酒。好好吃,但很臭。哈哈。我都被熏得快落泪了。吃吃吃,结果剩下超大只得花枝没吃。太饱了,没办法~~~
BBQ Time with Sumptuous food. Nice Nice. Sit beside the sea and enjoy Food + Fun with all of them. wohooo~~~

Next is another Awesome Activity. Night Walk. haha. 小琉球夜游记
A guide brings all of us to Ride around Little LiuQiu. We see flowers, birds, special stones, crabs and many more. The Best Part is "The Star". First time Enjoy the Stars so much and See a Meteor. <3. So wonderful and impressive. haha. The photo is taken by MaoMao with his Pro-Camera. 第一次看到小流星,第一次发现星空超漂亮。爱上了“赏星”。超棒的夜游 ^.^ 

After "Night Walk", it is time for the most enjoyable moment! Game Time. Card game is totally unavoidable in any trip. haha. We laugh crazily and sound like mad people. 夜晚到了,不是睡觉的时间,是玩卡片的时光。Ber少和千千介绍的 “水果盘” 游戏,让大家都疯了。大喊大叫,还好没震坏房子。超High 的啦。爽!!!3 点早上 才甘愿睡。;p

The next day, we plan to tour around in Little LiuQiu at 6 am in the morning, meaning we have 3 hours sleeping time. But, FAILED jor~hahaha. 说好的6点起床环岛呢?哈哈。
After breakfast, we continue our tour again. Never Give Up. 骑电子机车环岛噜~~~


Done with Little LiuQiu Island, It is time to have Lunch and Go Ken Ting lor~~~ 出发去垦丁啦~~~

垦丁 - Ken Ting

Example以下,明白了吧。KenTing is the most suitable place to play water. Super tiring yet super exciting 3 in 1 water sport. hoho.

虽然下着雨,我们还是继续玩。哈哈。还玩“水果盘”。无忧无虑,享受大海,欢欢喜喜,乐透了~~~ Splashing water with laughter and without any burdens. Total Relax and Utter Enjoy!
重点:香蕉船翻后,94哥(194cm 高) 大喊说:扁姐(165 +- cm),救我!哈哈 ;p

After ended the water Party, we head to our Hotel~~~
Hotel de Plus - +乐水 design Hostel
Nice and High Class Hostel. I love it even though it is far from Ken Ting town.

Outside View:

Hostel :

Checked in and rest for awhile then we head to Ken Ting Night Market - 垦丁大街
Expensive and crowded place. haha. 大街都是贵货。是想逼死我这种穷人哦? 哈哈

回到 Hostel 后,还为我们的扁姐庆生,还是Starbuck的蛋糕叻,超高级的!

After Birthday celebration... of course it is TIME FOR GAMES!!! Wohooo~~~Killer Time. Wakaka
这次我们玩 “杀手”,台湾版的。死人可以控告他/她怀疑的人,被控告的人又可以控告另一个人。到省最后三个人时,两个人要握手,握到杀手的话,就算杀手赢了。哈哈哈。我觉得这玩法,不错啦,很快又很好闹别人。大家都玩疯了。很爽!我这杀手还赢了一次。哈哈哈哈。从此,我就被叫 “戏精”。我只不过爱演了一点而已嘛~~~XD

这也是我们大家共同美好的回忆,超Enjoy的。Super LIKE!!!


The Next Morning, Raining Cats and Dogs, No Sun rise. T.T
So we have our Breakfast in Hotel de Plus. The breakfast set is quite good and a lot. I am super FULL lor. haha.
Get ready to check out but before that we still play some card games. haha

On the way to Lunch, we stop at a place and for photo shooting~~~

Photos before leaving Hotel de Plus. haha... 全都是 戏子!!!


After that, we have a sumptuous western food and visited Ken Ting Aquarium. Then this marks the end of our Fantastic Trip. 超好吃的午餐和垦丁海生馆后,我们就上路回家啦。而我,就在步入另一个旅程 - 往花莲 前进! 哈哈。

The best moment in Taiwan is this Trip! Undeniable and Memorable. I enjoy the time with all of them. I appreciate the time left in Taiwan with them. They have become my Comfort Zone. haha. Like this group of people. Thanks God for giving me a chance to be one of the members in the Lab!
WoHooooo~~~~~ hahaha