Pink Fire Pointer My Internship in AIM-HI, Chung Cheng University

My Internship in AIM-HI, Chung Cheng University

Yeah~ My Summer internship in Taiwan has started.
I am interning in AIM-HI in Chung Cheng University (can refer the previous blog post - click here)

This time I am in Chia-Yi (嘉宜), or more specifically Min-Hsiung Area(民雄). Here is a country site far far away from the Happening Taipei City. So, Only weekend only can Go Hiao in other towns lor ;p

Let's share a little bit of this University. It is really huge and beautiful of course. Chung Cheng University is voted as the most beautiful university in Taiwan (Online Voting)

I share some photos here lar:

The Administration Office (Looks like Pyramid XD)

Night View of the Bridge in CCU 

The Water Fountain 

and Many more lar. All are anti-earthquake tehee. 
Hostel is ... not ... so ... good ... Expensive and not clean.(We still have to pay water and electric bill) X.X 
But, actually I love the trees most, colourful and organised. I will update this when I take some ;p

OK, here is my working place.
Chemical Engineering Department Building

My job is a Research Intern (Carrying out Experiments and etc). Research title given is "Esterification of Cellulose" (So far, I am just helping ;p)
More specific, I work in here
Precision Coordination Polymerisation Materials Laboratory

I am still in learning stage, so not much tension on my shoulder yet hehe. Life is quite "Easy" here^^
The best part is the People (Colleagues) here. Most of them are Master and phD students. Friendly and kind Taiwanese. Very like them! haha

I get this from their Facebook, haha
All of them are here~ 
(左起:老人,学维,老大,毛毛,东东,小K,全级第一_洪小姐,阿宏,海风,BerBer,孟泽还有小马, 另外还有康康 与及 3 位大三升大四的 三位化工千金啦)

 How about my Boss? haha.
He is Prof. Tsai, the handsome in blue shirt sitting on the chair. Prof. buys us lunch yesterday ~ Wakaka.

The place is really nice^^ hoho

Taken this photo from Happy's Facebook. ;p
The right hand one (Bernie) is my student host. Prof. Tsai assigns him to be my Guide in the lab. So he is my Little Boss. haha. Super Nice guy~ ^^

 I always trouble BerBer or Happy(孟泽哥)to fetch me to the lab by motorcycle. I feel like I am half a Taiwanese now. Wakaka Glad to work with them ^^ Thanks God~ Yeppie ;p

Travelling abroad will make me feel proud to be a Malaysian. Including this time. Our language talent is really impressive. Chinese,Malay,English,Hokkien and Cantonese. yeah~~~ So, I am totally suitable to stay in Taiwan. ;p My Mandarin Slang is getting closed to Taiwanese's one. oops ~ (high pitch neh~~~)

Just this internship lacks of industrial thingy, but whatever, I can have it after graduation. haha (Self-comforting) 

Yes, still 9 weeks to go, a lot of places to explore, Tai Chung, Tai Nan, Ali San, Ken Ding, HuaLien and others. But, Financial problem leh, who want to sponsor me? @@ So wish to take part-time job to earn more. haha

Tomorrow Going to Tai Chung lor. hehe~~~
With Dannee and Chia Wen (From Material Engineering). Wait for my Travel Blog Posts lor