Pink Fire Pointer The Kanching Fall - Mega Campus Fellowship Rockz

The Kanching Fall - Mega Campus Fellowship Rockz

The Unexpected Journey (Outing) Chapter 1

The Kanching Fall

Thanks God for giving us this wonderful opportunity to visit this lovely waterfall. ^^
An awesome trip with 25 people - marching to the Kanching Fall. 

Where is the Kanching Fall???

Just Type in Kanching Forest Reserve in your GPS.
or Takun Templer Park. Then you will get the location^^
It is located in Rawang, Selangor

Arrived the Destination~
Entrance Fee per head = RM 1 (only)
Parking per car Fee = RM 2 

Pi pi pi ~ Gather and Short Briefing ~
(Safety First!!!) hehe

Let's GO!!! wohoo~~~
Welcome to The Kanching Fall

Walk along the Staircase - Step by Step, Sweat by Sweat

Rule Number 1 - Never Forget to Take Photo. haha
Lee King, Look at here~~~ Hallo~~~
Free Monkey Show. 
There are thousands of it there. Be Careful of your Delicious Food ya.

Reached the Second Pool of Kanching Fall^^
Say Cheese~~~

The Pool Behind The handsome guys is the Second Pool of Kanching Fall, The first pool is at the bottom. 
"Security Guard" of Mega Campus Fellowship. XD
 Then we arrive the 3rd level which is here : 

There are few "Pondok" there too. We settle down, rest and enter the Praise&Worship Time^^ 
Thanks Chris for leading us this part. Thanks God and Glory to be Yours!

Dancing while singing - Happy Feets. haa

Ok. Then it is time to JUMP into the COOL WATER^^ yeah~~~

My Cell Group(西奈山组)~ Almost everyone is inside here! walao! Bravo!!! haha... 

The CF F4


I love Kanching Fall

"Kiyomi" time~ haha

Massage - Massage time~~~

What a nice Post! haha

Hallo~~~ Can you not be so funny? haha

Take 5. Rest For awhile. hehe

We move to the Second Pool for my games. haha

Before Lunch~ Happy Birthday to Cute yet Handsome Pak Wei~ haha
May your wishes come true~~~ God Bless Full Full

Lunch Time~~~ hehe... Maggie Goreng + Egg + Samba.
yeah~~~ ^^

First Round~ Scissor Paper Splash Gao Gao
The winner can splash the loser water gao gao. hiak hiak

Splashing time~~~ hehe

The ultimate round - All winners attack the losers in one Big Shot!
It ends up to be... attack each other. haha

After the game, it is Free and Easy time
We play Beach Ball, Swimming,Massage and 

We enjoy the Fly Man show too. haha

Our Lovely Pastor finally touches the Water. hehe 

Some prefer Water SPA and Mask. 

Haha... Time Flies, It is time to say Good Bye already~ 
Thanks God for the great weather (No Rain)
Thanks God for the fantastic fellowship moment. hehe... 
Succeed ^^

The water is clean here. And I believe there are more Beautiful Waterfall up there. This place is very suitable for family and fellowship outing. You will fall in love with the relaxing environment and cool water. Big Thumb Up for The Kanching Fall. hehe